Aug 3, 2008

The Dirty Little Secret About Attraction Marketing

Corrisa Malone posted a great article on that makes an important point about attraction marketing.

Written by Corrisa Malone
Are you ready to pull your hair out because you can't figure out why your visitors don't opt-in to your site, take action after watching your YouTube videos, and just plain outright ignore you?

Then rest assured that it's something that you can fix.

It's either something you're saying that's turning them off to you, or you're just not turning them on.

You have to learn how to speak the "language" of your prospects.It's a skill that takes time to develop.

Copywriting is that over-looked aspect that people either don't understand or just plain ignore because they think it's not important.

I think of copywriting as using words to compell your prospects/visitors to take the desired action.

Copywriting is everything, as is the words you say.

You use words to sell yourself in your videos, in your articles, on your website, in your ads, in your podcasts, in your profiles at social networking sites, and everywhere else in between.

I admit this area is not my strength.

And it may not be yours.

But it has to be something that you're striving to get better at or you're going to have a tough time getting people to respond to you.

The fact of the matter is that you can have ten or twenty website pages on the first page of Google and have over 30 videos on YouTube and still not get any significant amount of traffic or opt-ins...if people don't like what you're saying.

Attraction marketing to me is not just about putting your links all over the Internet hoping someone will click it, but about building a better you that makes people more attracted to you.

And that can be only done when you start speaking the words your prospects wants to hear; i.e. How can you solve my problem?

You answer that question in the words you write and the words you say.

That's attraction marketing.

You either begin learn this now or you'll be pulling even more of your hair out a year from now.
Trust me on this one.

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