Jun 29, 2008

Best Home Based Business Opportunities - When Failure is not an Option

10 Most Common Causes Of Failure In A Business Opportunity

Written by Christy Ruffner

There is a fact most people don't realize before they go about starting a new business opportunity and that is that around 90% of all businesses started will fail or simply go out of business within their first three years of business.

Depending on the product or service, many businesses won't make it past their first winter. This is just a fact. This statistic is not just for any particular type of business - traditional, home based, international. It encompasses all of them.

When you take a look at why there are 10 most common causes of failure in a business opportunity. And remember, this is any business opportunity - home based, traditional or international.

1. Probably the number one cause of failure is running out of funding. Starting and running a business costs money and very seldom is there ever enough money coming in to cover it all, especially at first. Most people underestimate the amount of money they will need (they aren't realistic with their projections and haven't covered all the necessities.) Without sufficient capitol to keep the business running without expecting the business to pay for it will fail.

2. Not having a solid game plan to follow. Most new business owner, especially the ones who fail, have not done the necessary research and have not found a mentor to help advise and lead them through the pitfalls that absolutely every business has. They find themselves alone with little knowledge or experience. Not recognizing the path to take generally leads to failure.

3. No mentor was mentioned above, but this is so important it deserves its own mention. In most businesses you are on your own and only the strong, innovative, aggressive ones survive. You aren't going to be able to go ask the competition what works for them. That's like asking them to hand over some of their business, and that's not going to happen.

4. Lack of vision. This starts from the moment you came up with the brilliant idea to go into business in the first place. Looking at the opportunity from all aspects, and taking off the "rose colored glasses." Is there a need, is there room in the market share for another supplier, will the need last or is it just a fad? A great deal goes into deciding if you should start with the business opportunity in the first place. Failure to look to the future could mean certain failure.

5. Location is important in a brick and mortar business, but it is also important in an Internet business. Location in a traditional business of course relates to your customer being able to easily access you or find you and your product or service.

In an Internet business it has to do with Search Engine Optimization. If the search engines can't or don't want to find you then your prospective customer is not going to find you either. You could have the greatest store front (web page, capture page, etc.) and the best product, but if you have no customers…well you get the picture don't you?

6. Marketing - lack of, inadequate, or just plain bad marketing will sink your ship. Marketing is probably the number one place business loose money. If marketing isn't effective you are losing money. Marketing is meant to bring in business, and if it does not effectively do that then you are losing money.

Even if you have business coming in, if you do not know that a particular marketing technique is what's bring in that business you may be loosing money. You need to be testing. You need to know what marketing is working and what is not.

7. Passion for your business. If you have no passion or drive then as soon as the business takes a dip to the negative you will quit before you get started. It's important to understand the peaks and valleys of any endeavor. Business is no different. Just because the storm clouds are overhead today doesn't mean the sun isn't getting ready to make a break. Your passion will often times make or break your business situation. Keep your vision ahead of you and when the skies are darkest just take one step at a time.

8. No personal growth. Everyone needs to be growing or they are stagnant and their business will reflect that. Education is vital for the improvement of every life and business. Self improvement, positive thinking and self talk, helps create the inertia, and flow of attraction that will bring success. See my post on my blog
Use this post to help you achieve your goals.

9. Lack of or poor planning. This goes along with #4 lack of vision. You must have a very definite plan on where you're going and how you're going to get there. It should be written down in logical steps to follow and they should go from point A to point B to point C and so on. Failure to have a step by step plan will lead to confusion. And if you don't know where you're going, how can you ever get there?

10. Unresearched product or service. A product or service has to fill a need or it is an uphill battle to do business. Supply and demand dictates how well your business will do and only thorough research will have you in the right place at the right time to do business successfully.

There you have it. Do your research, educate yourself for personal and business growth, have a vision with passion, have a marketing plan with plans to test how well your marketing plan is working, with a mentor that will give you feedback and direction, with funding in place, and you just may have a winner. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Posted on Frank Tocco--MLM Mentoring You may publish this article on your blog or website with all links attached and credit given to the author. For more tips on Building Traffic send your name and email to tips@shop4dreams.ws or visit Shop4Dreams Free Website Traffic Blog

Jun 26, 2008

Emotional Marketing- Stimulating your Customers Into Buying

Discover How To Get Customers To Come To You
Emotionally Ready To Do Business With You Today

The secret is creating low cost advertising that compels customers to come to you. Using a simple system of direct mail letters, postcards, email and low cost newspaper ads, as well as cable TV and radio - all of which can get qualified customers to call you or stop buy your place of business on a daily basis.
The purpose of this mainstream concept is to have customers come to you.
Because your marketing efforts will do the two things that marketing is supposed to do:
1. Get the attention of your prospects
2. Make them curious enough to respond
In business, we have heard over and over again that people make buying decisions emotionally, then rationalize their choices intellectually. Yet, most advertising fails to stimulate either way.
It all looks and sounds the same - same approaches, same promises, same predictability. The only things that change are the slogans, logos and various branded images. Almost all of its "worthless advertising," fails to make people respond.
If you want prospects and customers to buy from you, you must persuade them into action through emotional appeals. What I'm talking about is marketing that prompts people to respond. With any new skill, you must open your mind in order to learn. This is a chance to explore ways that will change your business.
There's a process which will take shape if you practice this thought - a kind of marketing mindset.

You're studying new concepts and materials, and you're gaining powerful insight and skills. They're all presented so you can practice marketing that really stimulates curiosity and response.
What this means is, it is an opening of the mind. You're learning real, marketing, in which psychology comes into play. It's a "counseling" approach instead of "selling." It means seeing the world and your prospects differently.
What happens in emotional advertising is that you look at people's needs. Your ads, regardless of product or service, are written so people feel you're tuned into them as individuals. They're emotion based ads, tapping into commonly held desires for things like acceptance, independence, status, security and pure personal enjoyment.
These are things people want. Things they feel compelled to respond to.
Emotional marketing won't worry you sick every morning, wondering where you'll find a new customer today. It will not keep you from resting easy, because you'll know people who really want your products or services will be responding to you tomorrow. They'll be responding to the emotional content of your ads. You will not waste time, money, and energy on marketing that offers only the prospect of no return. You'll feel relief and excitement knowing you can stimulate curiosity through genuine, emotional appeals.
A great way to make the people respond. The great thing is pressure will disappear when you meet with potential customers. You will eventually be a rare professional who actually counsels people about their needs and your products and services. They will feel you're really trying to help them.
If you own a retail business, they will respond to you on a regular basis. They will be happy to give you their money. They will feel happy to do business with you.
Treating yourself and your business in this manner, you will not have to worry if you lose a potential customer. This is because you will always have more responses. For the first time, you can honestly and comfortably feel good about your business for a change.
Emotional marketing is so powerful, you can be indifferent to "the sale."
Because attention-grabbing ads get responses, and you'll be seeing more people than ever. This type of real emotional direct response marketing works in any field, any business, any service, any profession, business to business, consumer products.
You will discover that marketing is marketing. Period!
There's not a field or business category where you haven't seen this work. It does not matter if you sell construction equipment or underwear, marketing that gets to people's deep seated emotions, and touches what's in their hearts and minds gets them to get in touch with you.
Discover more marketing tips on Frank Toccos' Free Website Traffic Blog at: http://Shop4Dreams.Blogspot.com You may publish this article on your blog or website as long as you include the links and give credit to the author. Copyright © Frank Tocco 2008

Jun 24, 2008

Is It Better To Have More Products For Sale, Or Less?

Mike Dillard from Magnetic Sponsoring sent me this great email that explains so clearly the value of being focused. His article is called...
Is It Better To Have More Products For Sale, Or Less?
And How This Effects Your Recruiting Results.

A few years ago I was building a team with a popular juice company that had one single product in their line.
This had become a growing trend after the success of Noni and Sea Silver – two companies that had broken sales records for the industry with single product based lines.
Without doubt, it was a phenomenon that caught everyone’s attention, and sparked much debate among distributors.
Is it better to have just one product, or should you have many to fit all the needs of your potential customers like New Vision, or Herbalife, Isagenix, or Melalueca?
For many people, logic dictated that having multiple products was an advantage. But the numbers said differently, and this juice company became the third in a row to shatter all sales and growth records, despite their minimalist product line.
That’s the point of this letter… It’s not to argue for one model or company over another, but to
discover the psychological reasons behind the numbers…
Why did consumers buy more product, more often, when they were presented with fewer choices?
Well last night I started reading a new book called, “YES! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways To Be Persuasive” by Robert Cialdini.
And guess what I found on page30…? Yep, the answer to this massive question. Here’s an excerpt from the book that demonstrates this phenomenon in two very different studies…
“Behavioral scientist Sheena Iyengar and several colleagues analyzed company-sponsored retirement programs for nearly 800,000 workers, looking at how the participation rates varied as a function of how many fund choices the organization offered.
Sure enough, the researchers found that the more choices that were offered, the less likely the employees were to enroll in the program at all.
For every 10 additional funds the company offered, the participation rate dropped 2%.
By comparison, they found that when only two funds were offered, the rate of participation was roughly 75%. But when fifty-nine funds were offered, the participation dropped below 60%.
In a second study, they set up a display at an upscale super market in which passersby could sample a variety of jams that were all made by a single manufacturer. Either 6, or 24 flavors were offered at any given time.
The results demonstrated a clear and astonishing difference between the two conditions: Only 3% of those who approached the extensive-choice display actually purchased any jam. Contrast that with the 30% who bought jam when they approached the limited choice display.”
Now there are always exceptions to the rule, when variety plays a positive role, such as Baskin Robins Ice Cream, but in most cases, too many options leads to indecision. I found that this philosophy had a positive impact in ALL areas of my networking business as well.
Having a single product based line was advantageous in many ways…
It created PERFECT focus and momentum throughout the company because every single distributor, was dealing with the same product.
Think of it as a bandwagon effect.
All of the conference calls, all of the tools, all of the websites, and all of the training were about one
single product.
New distributors didn’t join and say,
“So which products should I promote”,
or “Which tools should I buy?”
Every distributor and every team was on the same page. This laser-like focus produced incredible results.
Having too many options creates fragmentation throughout the distributor force, with various teams using different methods, and tools to promote different products.
This creates confusion and doubt for new distributors who can’t help but wonder if there’s a better way being used by another team.
Focus is destroyed. Now when it came to recruiting, we relied on this same behavioral tendency to maximize results there as well.
I’ve always had a saying in this business when it comes to the sponsoring process… “People will only choose from the options you give them”.
It was a technique that was extremely useful when it was time to take an order and fill-out the distributor application.
You NEVER ask a prospect, “So John, how much product would you like to buy for your first initial order?”
That’s sales suicide.
You GIVE John 1 to 3 options that he MUST choose from.
For example, let’s say that your company offers three product for 1, 3, or 5 boxes of product, valued at $100 per box.
Well when I was recruiting distributors for this juice company at the time, I would have only offered John the option to get started with 3 boxes or 5.
Starting with 1 box was NOT an option that I’d give him.
If he asked if he could just purchase 1, the answer was no… “John, how do you really expect to start a successful business with 1 single box of product? If you want to be a consumer, that’s fine, but as
a business builder you’d be shooting yourself in the foot and I can’t let you do that.“
If he insisted on buying only 1 box, then I’d let him go. I wouldn’t sponsor him.
For several reasons…
1: He wasn’t coachable.
2: He wasn’t really serious about his success to begin with.
3: He was going to attract, and start others in the business the same way he came in… A bunch of people willing to “give it a try” with 1 box of product.
Because I only gave my prospects the option to get started with 3 or 5 boxes of product, that meant that 100% of my distributors started with 3 or 5 boxes, instead of 1 or 2 like most people on other teams.
This meant our team was doing 3 to 5 times the volume and having much more success in building a customer base because they actually had product on hand to sell and promote.
Just remember… YOU dictate the terms. Your prospects can only choose from the options YOU give them.
I used this same mentality when writing the “Building On A Budget” course.
I could have included 10 to 15 different methods for producing free traffic online, but I intentionally limited the course to my top 5, most effective methods.
If you give a student too many options to choose from, they’re paralyzed by indecision.
If you give them a short, focused path to follow, they’ll get incredible results, which is exactly what’s happened for those who’ve gone through the material like the people at the bottom of the page here…
Just remember…
The fewer the number of options, the more focus…
The more focus, the better the results…
Best wishes,
Mike Dillard
Magnetic Sponsoring
You may use this article to post on your blog or website as long as you do not change anything in the article including the links and full give credit to the author. Posted by Frank Tocco--MLM Mentor and Business Builder. http://Shop4Dreams.ws

Jun 21, 2008

How to Simple Steps – Internet Marketing Your Network Marketing Business

These simple steps, if done repeatedly, will generate amazing results to your online or MLM business endevors. Thanks Lisa for your great article. Frank Tocco

There are so many or dare I say too many ways to market online to generate leads for your network marketing business, yet there is a better way and I’ll narrow this down for you today.

This will be a step-by-step action plan you can print out and use each day. Some suggestions will take a few days to set up while others are only minutes away.

We’ll start with the “few minute” steps:

1. Classified ads: It’s best to use three line ads. Post the “obvious” title and fill in the content with a few lines of what your visitors will benefit from by going to your site (capture page).

a. USFreeAds.com: sign up free and then pay for a featured ad.

b. CraigsList.org: post in the “services offered” >> “small biz ads” you can pick a few states at a time to post, but don’t go for every city or you’ll get banned. There are tricks around this and you can find those by doing a Google search for Craigslist Power Posting by Mark Mattey.

c. INetGiant.com: sign up and post free or pay for a featured ad.

d. Ryze.com: post a classified ad here and pay for the featured posting.

2. Press Releases: David Schwind wrote a really great press release and showed the formula behind this in Magnetic Sponsoring. You can check that out at davidschwind.com/training.htm.

You can short-cut a lot of work by just paying a little for one press release. Yet you can submit your press release too many different sites free and get the same results. This was something Mike Dillard suggested and it does work.

a. 24-7PressRelease.com is one of my favorites. Pay for the $80 package and watch it take off all over the Internet!

b. I-NewWire.com is another great one and free.

3. Ezine Articles: This is where you can establish yourself as an expert on any subject. For help on copywriting you can check out bensettle.com who makes a living as a professional copywriter and who also offers a ton of advice and information free.

a. EzineArticles.com is one of the best out there and free. They rank high in the search engines and will grant you an “expert” status if you submit decent articles.

b. ArticlesBase.com is yet another great resource.

c. MagneticSponsoring.com is not only an online community of serious entrepreneurs or Internet marketing courses, but a great way to gain exposure by submitting your articles free to their site. If you get good enough you’ll even be place on the home page!

4. Social Networking: This is a must for anyone who is marketing online. It’s not just for teenagers as I once thought. The main focus here is to pick a few and keep participating a few times a week. This literally takes seconds to update posts, shouts and blurbs.

Here is a short list of my favorites.

a. Twitter.comb. FaceBook.comc. MySpace.comd. LinkedIn.com

A few minutes to set up and a few days to get going:

1. Blog: Mike Dillard wrote an article about this late last year that you can find at ArticleBase.com by doing a search for “The 5 Laws Of Writing Network Marketing Blogs”

a. WordPress.com (pay to have a domain name forwarded to professionalize your blog).

b. WordPress.org (pay to host an account and personalize it with your own domain and customization).

c. TypePad.com isn’t a bad choice either.

2. Landing or Capture Page set up: Jim Yaghi wrote a great article about why your MLM company website stinks. Just Google or search at ezinearticles.com for “Why Your MLM Company’s Website Stinks” and then I suggest for those of you who aren’t sure how to build your own website to visit SiteSell.com.

All this (and more of course) will begin to fill your pipe-line of prospects soon enough. Your next steps are to learn the ropes.

Courses I suggest are:

1. Magnetic Sponsoring course to learn the ins and outs of the basics of Internet marketing.

2. Dani Johnson who will teach you how to talk to your prospects.

3. Jeffery Combs who will also teach you how to have a conversation with prospects and handle those hard objections. If you visit his site at GoldenMasterMind.com and sign up for his free newsletter, you’ll get a few ebooks free and one that includes “how to” handle those objections.

4. Desperate Buyers Only by Alexis Dawes which is an information product creators guide to writing and marketing so that people with problems WILL buy from you.

Couple of good books I suggest buying right away:

1. Phrases That Sell by Edward Werz and Sally Germain

2. Words That Sell by Richard Bayan

Both will be a huge help with writing good headlines for your articles, email campaigns, press releases and even the content of your information.

Lisa Alexander, a professional Entrepreneur & Journalist based out of Michigan and currently studying Internet Marketing. Part of Internet Marketing and a work at home job is becoming a professional in many fields, including, but not limited to copywriting, advertising, SEO, and much more. Lisa has quickly learned this is something she’s very passionate about and gladly shares what she learns with others free. Visit http://www.NetworkMarketersGroup.com for more info!

Discover more ways to generate free website traffic...

Jun 20, 2008

Create an Aggressive Website Promotion Program that is Ongoing and Relentless

Turn your website and other online activities into a Powerful Traffic and Sales Generating System, and Create an Aggressive Website Promotion Program that is Ongoing and Relentless.

No matter what you sell or are trying to promote online, you want visitors to your website -- traffic. And you want to turn that traffic into sales. To turn your website and other online activities into a powerful traffic and sales generating system, the simple fact is you need an aggressive website promotion program that is ongoing and relentless.

Website promotion is not brain surgery, but it must be done correctly. Here are six of the main components that should be emphasized in a good website promotion program:

1. Know Your Product, Define it Clearly

2. Use Powerful Copy in Your Website, and Sales Materials

3. Create an Aggressive Link Program

4. Write Articles and Submit Them Everywhere

5. Turn Site Visitors into Leads

6. Get Instant Traffic with PPC Advertising

1. Know your product and define it clearly
Many of us have difficulty telling other people exactly what we do. Imagine you're at a party, a meeting, or on the golf course and you get asked the inevitable question, "So, what does your company do?" What happens? Do you stumble around trying to remember what you told the last guy who asked that question? Or do you have a clear, precise and memorable answer that you can recite back to them in one or two sentences.

It goes without saying that your clarity or confusion will be reflected in your website promotion.

Make it one of your primary objectives to develop a clear explanation of your product or service, and your website promotion will fall nicely into place as a result.

2. Promote your product with powerful copy
If you want your website to create sales, then the job of your most important pages is to get your primary selling message across quickly and powerfully before your impatient visitors click on to another site.

For your people audience you must get to the point quickly and precisely, and with sufficient emphasis to impress your visitors that you know what you are talking about.

The search engines also demand a clear product definition and clear product descriptions. But in this case the result should be search engine optimized copy. This is because the search engines do not read between the lines. They look for clear indications of what your pages are about. And they make their decisions on the basis of "keywords".

If the task of "optimizing" your website seems too daunting, then look for a website promotion expert who can bundle this service with other promotional services.

3. Create an aggressive link program
Getting links from "relevant" sites serves two important purposes. First, relevant links create an important source of direct traffic. A visitor to a related site will see the link to yours, click on it, and become your visitor. Some estimates put the percentage of internet traffic resulting from this kind of link as high as 21% of total traffic.

The other important purpose of your linking strategy is to impress the search engines. Links to and from other sites indicate other site owners in your area of interest consider your site worth looking at. That is why Google and the other major search engines give a much better ranking to sites with incoming links from relevant high traffic sites.

The bad news is a productive link building program takes quite a bit of time and effort, and will take up to six months or more to do properly.

The good news is there are website promotion professionals who will plan and execute a link building program for you as part of a package of promotion services. This makes it very economical. But it will still not happen overnight. Link building is an ongoing long term project.

4. Write Articles in your field of expertise, and distribute them wherever you can
Publishing articles in online publications, directories and ezines is one of the most effective and least expensive kinds of website promotion. It is a perfect way to generate interest in your site, and create traffic.

Well written articles can be used to highlight various aspects of your products or services. At the same time you will establish yourself as an authority in your field. And the articles you write and publish today will continue to be available on the web for years to come.

Distributing articles is also an important way to create incoming links. Other websites and ezines publish your articles and in the process create links pointing back to your website. Why?

Because when you write your article you make sure to embed a link or two pointing back to your site. Often this is done in what is called the "Resource Box" -- a short bio of the author that contains a low key pitch for your products or services.

But writing and distributing articles is not for everyone. It is a very time-consuming activity, and if you are not much of a writer it will cost some money to have someone write articles for you.

One interesting alternative is our own program in which we embed sponsor links in relevant articles. This is probably the easiest and least expensive way to get the benefits of article distribution without the pain and aggravation of actually having to write original articles.

5. Turn visitors into leads
The online sales process starts with traffic — visitors to your site. But traffic is not enough.You want to turn some of these visitors into leads.

A "lead" is a visitor who expresses an interest by contacting you. This puts them in "most-likely-to-buy" category, and gives you a clearly defined group of people you can target with more specific sales messages.

To capture leads you need a carefully planned strategy. You need to get beyond the usual "send us an email for more information" approach.

Simple online forms backed up with autoresponders are perfect for this task. Normally this involves offering some tip or free information course, or possibly a free piece of software.

In order to receive the free gift the website visitor must fill in a short form giving you their name and email address. Then the autoresponder automatically sends out a message containing or pointing to the free gift, along with a presentation of your product. You can also program the autoresponder to send out a series of messages so your promotional pitch is placed in front of them a number of times.

6. Use Pay-Per-Click Advertising for instant traffic
Pay-Per-Click advertising — especially Google Adwords — can be an amazingly powerful tool to reach your exact target market and generate pre-qualified, targeted leads almost instantly.

But this service is also becoming increasingly expensive. And when you make mistakes they can be very costly. There are ways of maximizing your Google Adwords results. These techniques can save you thousands of dollars, and greatly increase the effectiveness of your Adwords campaigns.

The best website promotion program is one that combines all six of these techniques into an organized program. If you are too busy getting your business started, or too busy servicing your clients, then your best bet is to look for a website promotion professional who can prepare and maintain a program for you.

Want to discover more...? Click here: http://Shop4Dreams.blogspot.com

You may use this article to post on your blog or website as long as you do not change anything in the article including the links and full give credit to the author.Copyright © Frank Tocco 2008

Jun 17, 2008

Five Tips for Staying on Top

There's no question that if you're involved in this industry that you want to get to the top...right?

We all have are reasons...and we also ALL have our views of what it really means to be at the top. Getting there is a journey of hard work, discipline, commitment, and personal development.

Once you get there, wherever "there" is for you, you want to do all you can to STAY there. Often trainers talk about and how to get there…even I do. What I wanted to do in this training is talk about what you need to be doing in order to stay there, once you arrive.

Imagine working for five years to get yourself to a $20,000 monthly income only to find it crumble, and have your life and your relationships come tumbling down.

What happened?


Did it have to happen?

Could I have prevented it?

Could I have planned for it?

There have been many top guns who have gotten drilled and ended up with nothing. Don't get caught with your blindfolds on once you get there.

Here are five simple tips for staying on top once you get there

Once you reach any level of success...whether it's on your way to the top or when you've arrived, don't ever forget WHAT IT TOOK to get you there. The efforts you put forth to get you where you are today are the same efforts that will keep you on top.

Often times people get to a position of success in their businesses and stop doing what it was that got them there in the first place. Don't ever forget. If you stay in action all the time, even when you are at the pinnacle of success in your business, you will always be able to remember what got you there.


Simply because you are still doing it. You never ever want to forget about the people that helped you get there.

The second part of this is never forgetting WHERE YOU CAME FROM. Too often, we get somewhere and forgot where we started. It's shameful to say the least. We need to always be able to empathize with others…especially once we've gotten there.

Most importantly…we simply don't ever want to wipe out of our minds where we started the journey.

And I do mean...PAY ATTENTION. On your way to the top and when you get there, you MUST be aware of what is going on around you. Pay attention to the elements, like what is happening in the network marketing industry, your company, up or down trends in your business, your owners, your downline, and your competition.

Don't be blind. Keep your eyes open. I have seen many a leader fall victim to "the elements". Turn your head and your attention away from these critical elements and you could be in for a major downfall.

This is business folks. Be aware. Be smart. Your bank account will love you for it.

You have all heard me say that it is important to have a strong, healthy ego. This simply means you've got some good self-esteem…some confidence.

However...money and success can do interesting things to even the best of people. They "let it get to their head". The head grows. This is a sign of big trouble.

You've still got to have some humility in life (by the way…that's being humble, not being funny). Being able to admit when you are wrong is a sign of strength, not weakness.

I have seen some of the greatest minds, literally the biggest success stories of this industry's entire history fall victim to this downfall. My question: would you rather be right…or rich? Is your ego bigger than your bank account? Be careful out there!

Let's face it. Things change. Change is constant. You have to stay on top of things in life and in business. Stay green and always willing to grow and you will find yourself always in the position of making the most of every situation.

This is simple. Save for a rainy day. Save for a sunny day. Invest your profits. Don't spend it all. Be wise. Read the book "The Richest Man in Babylon". It's very easy and quite probable that our spending habits and lifestyle change as our income changes.

Be wise. Be smart. Think.

You should always have a minimum of one to two years of living expenses (at a bare minimum) in your savings and investment accounts. What IF something happens? Will you be ready?

These simple tips come from either personal experiences or things I have witnessed first-hand in the network marketing industry.

Just remember all the work it took you to get there. You busted your chops, didn't you? Right? Network Marketing takes effort, energy and time to succeed. When you get there...be sure you STAY THERE!
Written by Todd Falcone

Jun 16, 2008

FORBIDDEN Mind Control: How “Hitler” Almost Took Over The World

Want to hear a frighteningly powerful marketing persuasion technique secretly used by
master marketers,
and even SUICIDE Cults?

What you’re about to read is absolutely CHILLING…
in fact, bad things have been known to happen unless you make sure to read this entire page, so make sure you DO…(Especially if you'd like to use mass persuasion to make millions…)

It’s true… what I’m about to reveal to you was not only used by Adolf Hitler to nearly take over the planet, but also used religiously by master-marketers, top sales people, magicians, hypnotists, psychics, and YES, even suicide cults!

(Just make sure, If you value your well being, you use them for good ONLY. –not like Hitler!)

But how would you know?

Well, you can sum it up pretty easily…
the difference between “harmful” manipulation and “friendly” persuasion is “intent”.

You only need to answer one question… “Am I going to use these methods to benefit everyone involved?

”If the answer is “yes”, you may read on…

Are you ready to hear how to get other networkers to do your bidding?

Well, it all starts with one “magical” sentence written by one of the master influencers I’ve studied, Blair Warren. And here it is…

“People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.

”Geezz… if that didn’t send chills down your spine, then let me break it down for you. Infact, let me put it into “home business” terms and examples…

1) Encourage their dreams – Empower people, re-assure them the impossible IS possible.

Implementation: In short, when you lead by example and encourage greatness and belief in others, you sub-consiously gain power over them.

2) Justify their failures – Everyone has failed at least a few times in some sort of mlm or home business.

Implementation: Just identify why most fail (like no cashflow, buying leads, etc…) then show them that that’s why your strategies work. In essence, let them know their failed strategies are not their fault.

3) Allay their fears – People taking on any new skill or business venture are naturally afraid.

Implementation: Instead of telling them “not to be afraid”, tell them you’ll work with them and be there to assist them until their fear diminishes.

See the persuasion “trap”? – They are now dependant on you for success, and if you live up to your word… for that, they will stay loyal.
Powerful huh? ;)Are you afraid?

4) Confirm their suspicions – People feel gratification by finding out “they were right.

Implementation: As entrepreneurs… we are always looking for the better, more effective, and easier way. We know a better way always exists… there must be some “holy grail” to succeeding in this industry.

Position your offer as “the better way”, (which everyone is looking for) and assure them you are going to teach it to them. Don’t dismiss this, every entrepreneur is sub-consiously searching for this… show it to them, and they will follow you!

5) Help them throw rocks at their enemies – The thing ALL your prospects struggle with, is their "enemy".

Implementation: Identify what you know your target market hates (IE: buying leads, cold calling, etc…). Next, like anyone in a “struggle”… they want someone to join their side. Do it!Accompany them in dis-crediting their frustrations. Help them throw rocks at their enemies!When you do, you gain power as their new found friend, mentor, and business partner!

Anyone have a Rock?

Want to FINALLY make a Fortune From Home? David Schwind will encourage your dreams, justify your failures, allay your fears, confirm your suspicions, and help you throw rocks at your enemies. Call his bluff at: www.DavidSchwind.com/contact.html

Jun 14, 2008

Leveraging Marketing Tools To Grow A Thriving MLM Business

by Frank Tocco
So many people looking to start a MLM or home-based-business think they have to become a door-to-door sales person, telemarketer, or an Amway rep giving endless presentations to make any money.

That’s not the reality at all. These things do work but there’s an easier way.

Here the rule is to build a successful MLM business: We sort and market. We do not sell!

Selling only turns people off and all they want is to get as far away from you as possible.

There are selling superstars that jump in with two feet and sponsor people like crazy. They come out of the gate fast and sponsor 20-40 a month and even though if feels like you won the lottery, within three months all those new reps will start quitting faster then they can sponsor new reps.


Because people can not be duplicated and the new reps sponsored by a superstar recruiter can’t do what the superstar did and begin to believe they are not cut out for owning a MLM business. The superstar makes it look so easy that they begin to feel frustrated or not qualified to build a business of this sort.

People will never be duplicable but systems are. This is why having a successful, proven system that is duplicable is very important but it is only part of the equation. The other part of the equation is you.You do have an important part to play in building your MLM business because people are buying you just as much as your opportunity. Do you offer something of value to this person that will help them gain power by associating with you?

True leaders have invested time and money learning the skills needed to succeed in their business of choice regardless of what business it is and can transfer their know-how to someone in a way that allows them to get successful results faster then they did. That’s valuable to someone wanting to learn that skill.

But selling is not the same as marketing so how can you tell when you’re selling?As soon as you start explaining anything about your business, you are selling. If you start to talk about the price, the ingredients, the compensation plan, the background of the founder or the product, you are selling. Anything more than the name of the company or product or one testimonial is selling. Do Not Do That!

Think of yourself as a professional promoter who’s only job is to hand out information about an incredible business opportunity or product and to get out marketing tools to as many people as possible because these marketing tools do the work for you. The tools sell the business or product and you only sell yourself as a leader.

If you put a city kid on a tractor up against an old farmer with hand tools, who do you think would plow the most land and harvest a bigger crop? The city kid because he has the use of better tools that give him an advantage over the experienced farmer. Marketing tools do the same thing.

Some people complain that they have to spend money on tools but these people do not get it at all. Education costs money and tools cost money and the right tools put together with the right education and a strong reason why you want to be in business in the first place can make you a fortune.

Think of it like this. No matter what tool your business uses; brochures, CD’s, DVD or postcards, it makes you money and will do the selling for you. Most people do not like selling but they still continue to sell, sell, sell.

Let the marketing tools do the sorting and selling for you.For example, a DVD presentation that cost let’s say ten dollars per DVD is worth hundreds or thousands more than ten dollars.


First, it will do a sales presentation much better then most people can and it will do it the same way every time, anytime and anywhere. Secondly, imagine that your DVD is an employee that works for your company. If it shows a hundred presentations that are 20 minutes long how much is your employee getting paid? Ten dollars divided by 100 times equals ten cents per twenty minutes or 30 cents an hour.

What if you had 100 DVD’s doing that everyday? And it made a sale of say 10 dollars one third of the time. That’s 330 dollars a day or ten thousand dollars a month. 100 DVD’s that cost you 1000 dollars would be a bargain. Or you could save your money and give 100 presentations daily yourself. Do you see why having the tools are worth the investment?

Don’t waste time with people that do not get it. Forget about the neighbor or friend that did not see what you are so excited about. You are not sorting to get their approval, you are sorting to find people who get it and can see how using these tools they can grow a successful MLM business. People that will go out and grow their business and find others to do the same.

All you are doing is giving each new person you expose your MLM business opportunity to the chance to say yes or no. The more you do this, the more successful you will be. Once they start, give them the tools to get the job done correctly instead of trying to turn them into sales superstars or product experts.

Copyright © Frank Tocco 2008
Discover A FREE 5 Day Website Traffic Generating Camp To LearnThe Secrets To Generating Hordes Of Laser Targeted LeadsTo Your Online Business. You may use this article to post on yourblog or website as long as you do not change anything in the articleincluding the links and full give credit to the author.

Jun 13, 2008

5 Tips To Create A High Converting MLM Squeeze Page

Why is a lead capture page – or a ‘squeeze page’ – so important in network marketing?

A landing page is a web page designed to capture leads and contacts – potential prospects for your business. The more warm or hot leads you have, the more opportunities you have for building your network and creating the kind of business you dream of.

The squeeze page needs to have great copy and be written in an engaging and lively way. Even if you have no experience in writing sales letters or copy, you can still create a page that will pull the leads in. Read on to find out how…

‘Swiping’ is a legitimate technique used by many copywriters. They will take elements from proven squeeze pages or great sales letters and rework them. These great starters are everywhere – words like:

‘Discover How One Network Marketing Rep Made A Million…’ or
‘They Laughed When I Started In Network Marketing, But Then The Leads Started Pouring In…’.

Using these headlines, and even the body copy of great websites and then rewriting them to reflect your own business and experience isn’t plagiarism – it is simply being creative and using a proven formula to create success.

Never merely cut and paste somebody else’s words, however. This is plagiarism and not only will you loose credibility, you might get into serious trouble.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and this saying applies to web copy as much as anything. You don’t need to be an ace web designer to find a good graphic that captures the imagination and will give your squeeze page the edge. There are many copy-right free sites where you can legitimately download images for your own use. The combination of great copy and a great graphic is a winner formula every time!

What about those magic words? No, not ‘thank you’, but ‘click here’.

The reader will often respond to a simple clear instruction before their brain lets them think otherwise, so telling them to click here is a powerful way to move them through your pages of copy.

Make sure your click here button is positioned correctly and that it takes the reader exactly where you want them to go to next. There are other magic words you can use, such as ‘sign me up!’ and ‘send me my free report’. These allow the reader to get involved with the page and lead on to your goal – collecting contacts and leads.

Those who regularly surf the internet get used to seeing the same things and often move on after only the first glance at a page. If you don’t want this to happen you need to get their details as early as possible – remember, the purpose of the page is to collect details of leads and contacts.

Try places striking arrows to draw the attention to the boxed where you want the reader to enter their names and details. This way there is less chance of them missing the chance to find out more – and less chance of you missing out on them.

Lastly, make sure you use as many catchy testimonials as you can. This is a great way to give your copy weight and to draw the reader in.

Use these tips to get everything you can out of your landing page. The prospect may only visit it once and you don’t want to let them get away.

Jaz Lai is a home business network marketing expert. Download your free white paper and audio on how to use the internet to Double or Triple your organization within the next 30 days. Available for the next 24 hours only, click below for instant access : http://www.HowToNetworkMarketing.com

Jun 7, 2008

The First Principle Of What People Call "The Secret"

Regarded by many as the "Father of Personal Development", Charles F. Haanel is the author of the book The Master Key System, originally published in 1912, as well as other books about improving the human condition and is now repackaged into the video "The Secret"

Here's how it works...

So let's look at the first principle, what most people think of now as The Secret—the idea that what you place your attention on is manifested in reality. This is a solid, real, principle, but it isn't magic. Here's why this principle works—if, of course, you use the other two principles with it.

When you focus your attention on something you want to create or attract, several things happen. Your mind is a very powerful goal seeking mechanism. You just have to give it a goal, and it gets busy figuring out how to get it. When you focus on something, your mind takes it as an instruction to figure out how to create or attract whatever you've focused on. In fact, right now, you're already using that power. The problem isn't a lack of ability to manifest what you focus on, but rather a lack of conscious and intentional control over what you focus on.

In other words, most people focus their mind unconsciously and unintentionally. Their focus runs on autopilot. Your mind was pre-set to focus in a certain way during childhood, and now it just runs on automatic. Depending on what happened while you were growing up, your mind focuses a certain amount of the time on what you want, and a certain amount of the time on what you want to avoid. Either way, though, it attracts or creates it.

Here's how it works.

Now remember that this first principle works in conjunction with the other two—taking action, and making sure the action is of value to someone. So when you focus on something you want to create or attract, a number of things happen. First, you get ideas about what actions you could take. If you want to attract a glass of lemonade, you think about having it, and your mind immediately suggests that you to go to the kitchen, if you have some lemonade there, or take a trip to the supermarket to buy some, if you don't. Instantly, you get ideas about what action to take in order to make your idea a reality.

Turning wishes into lemonade
You can probably see that sitting there visualizing lemonade without doing something about it is a belief in magic, and if that's all you do you're not going to get lemonade. Even if someone walks into the room just as you think of lemonade, and you ask them to get you some, you've still taken action. And, if by some coincidence you thought of lemonade and right then someone walked into the room and said, "I was wondering if you'd like some lemonade?" this is not happening because you thought about lemonade. A lot of magic-believers would like to think so, but you could sit there every day and think about lemonade, and it would be a long time before that method would work again.

Scientists have a name for this. It's called a coincidence.
People who believe in magic turn coincidences into evidence, but that doesn't make it so, and you can easily prove this to yourself by thinking of lemonade the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and finding out what happens. What will happen is that no lemonade will manifest the next day, or the next, or the next, unless you get up out of your chair and take action to find some.

How to find all the resources you need
So the first thing that happens when you focus on getting something is that your mind generates ideas about how to get it, ideas about what actions you could take to get it. The second thing that happens is that you begin to notice resources you could use in getting what you want. You might notice people who could help you that you weren't noticing before. You might suddenly become aware of information, books, seminars, TV shows, or whatever, that previously you had not noticed.

Perhaps you've had the experience of wanting to learn about something and going to a bookstore. Suddenly you see all kinds books about the subject that you never noticed before, and would have just walked right by if you hadn't told your mind to notice them.

When you focus your attention on something, your mind develops a kind of radar that causes resources to wave little red flags at you, and to almost jump into your arms, or at least into your awareness. But again, you can see how this relates to taking action, because these resources you notice are useful only if you use them.

Okay, so far, by focusing on what you want, you've begun to develop some ideas about how to get it, and you've started noticing resources you could use. Next, focusing on what you want causes you to become motivated to act. Because you're thinking about what you want, and about how you'll feel when you get it—good, probably—you become motivated to do something, to take action.

You can be a high-quality person
And, finally, focusing on what you want causes you to tap into or develop certain internal qualities that help you to get it, such things as courage, or persistence, or focus. Because you're focused on what you want, and are thinking about the benefits of having what you want and imagining how good it will feel, you're more likely to be persistent, to focus your attention, to be disciplined, to be self reliant, to take personal initiative, to use your imagination, and to be enthusiastic.

Those who focus on what they want develop all of these personal qualities, and, depending on what qualities are needed in order to create what you want, possibly others. And, the more and the longer you focus on what you want, and the more positive emotion you add, the more these qualities become part of your personality.

So focusing your mind in the way described in The Secret causes you to have ideas, to notice people and resources that could help you, to become motivated to act, and to develop internal qualities that will help you act to get what you want.

You can see, then, how incredibly valuable focusing your attention on what you want can be. If you've ever wondered why some people seem to have so many ideas, how they seem to always find the resources they need or the people who can help them, how they stay motivated, and how they seem to have all these amazing personal qualities, now you know.

They did it by continually focusing their attention on what they want and then taking valuable action.

Ask the Magic Question
Now here's a really easy way to focus your attention on what you want. I call it the Magic Question, but again, it really isn't magic. To focus your attention on something you want to create or attract, ask yourself, "How can I create X?" whatever X is, or "How can I get X?"

Sometimes, if you're in what seems to be a particularly bad situation, you might say, "Given that I'm in this situation, what can I do to get X?" For instance, if you just lost your job and you have a lot of debts, you might ask yourself, "Okay, given that I'm in this situation, what can I do right now to create a new job and create enough money to pay all these debts?"

When you ask this type of How Can I? question, it focuses your attention on what you want, and in doing so you enlist your mind in finding an answer—in other words, to figure out what you could actually DO to begin creating or attracting what you want.

Then, as you get ideas, you have to act on them. Sitting there wishing and hoping for a miracle, or hoping that a coincidence will slam into you is what NOT to do. Dr. Phil, if he were here, would be asking such a person, "How's that workin' for ya?" I know a lot of very successful people, including nearly every teacher who appears in The Secret, and believe me, none of them sit around waiting for a miracle to land on them.

Now I'll admit that sometimes the results can look as if they are coming to a very successful person awfully darned easy and awfully darned quickly, but these results are still coming from action, preceded by focusing on what that person wanted.

My friend Gay Hendricks, along with his wife Katie, have been bestselling authors of books about relationships for over twenty years. Another friend, Jack Canfield, is also a bestselling author. Either one of them can pick up the phone, call a book publisher, tell them an idea for a book, and get a book deal instantly. If some other person wanted a book deal, it could take them years to make it happen. If their idea didn't have value, based on what the publisher wanted, they might never make it happen.

To someone who did not understand the principle of taking action and the principle of creating value, it might look like Gay or Jack made something happen as if by magic, without taking action. However, in this case the book deal happened quickly because of actions they'd previously taken.

In fact, Jack visited scores of publishers with the original Chicken Soup for the Soul book, and was almost ready to give up, when he finally found a publisher willing to print his book. But now, after selling well over 100 million books, he's already proven that he can create a bestselling book. He's already taken the action necessary to get a book publisher to send him a contract and a check. The same goes for Gay Hendricks.

Sometimes that makes it look as if little or no action is being taken in order to get a certain outcome.

Will the Wish Fairy give you a raise?
Let's take this down to a more mundane example. If you work in an office, and your boss approaches you and offers you a better job in the company, with more pay, why does he do this? Is it magic? Is it because you've been sitting in your cubicle putting it out to the universe that you want a better job with more money? I doubt it. If your boss offers you such a promotion, I'll bet you anything it's because of past actions you've taken that have convinced your boss that you're worth the raise, and because he's pretty sure that your future actions will make it worth his while to give you new responsibilities and more money.

Now, let's look at the third principle, the idea that the action you take has to benefit someone, that your action has to create value.

Think of it this way. From time to time you give money to other people, right? You pay your electric bill, you pay your car payment, you give money to the supermarket, you give money to the clothing store, or the gas station. Why do you do this? Is it just because you like these people? Is it because they put it out to the universe that you would stop by and give them money?

Well, you might like them, and they probably did sit down and focus on how to get you and other customers to give them some of your money, but when it comes right down to it, you gave them money because they have something you want more than you want the money. Like everyone else, unless it's just because you love them, you give money to others if you get something valuable in return. What's more, you're the sole judge of whether what they have is valuable.

It doesn't matter who else thinks it's valuable—if you don't think it is, you don't give up your money for it.

The ONLY reason people will give you money
Other than money you might give to someone just because you love them, this is the only reason why money changes hands. This means that if you want money, someone else is going to have to give it to you, and they're going to use the same criteria you use. If giving you money gets them something they want more than the money, they'll give you the money. In order to get more money, then, you have to figure out a way to create more benefit, more value. This is really the essence of the Law of Attraction. The amount of money you attract is equal to the value you provide.

This applies to more than money, of course. As the Beatles said in one of their songs, "the love you take is equal to the love you make." I'm only talking in terms of money because that's what most people think of when they think of The Secret and the Law of Attraction.

But whatever you want—love, respect, friends, or anything else—you'll receive it to the extent that you put out, through your actions, something of equivalent value. Be a good friend, and you'll have friends. Act in a way that invites respect, and you'll be respected. And so on.

The main point, though, is that for you to get something in this world, you have to give. As Emerson said, the universe's books are always balanced—which, by the way, also means that you can't fail to receive when you give, and if you have to wait, you build up interest, you might say, while you wait.

Now, some people struggle, at least partially, because they haven't found a way to offer very much value, so they don't make much money. If you're flipping burgers, it's probably because you don't have the skills that make you more valuable to someone else, which means others aren't willing to trade very much money for whatever you provide. The burger-flipper needs to be reliable enough to show up, smart enough to follow directions, and be able to get along with the other employees, but not much else is required.

It's also possible that you have something that would be of value to others, but you haven't found a way to let others know about it. In that case, you have a sales and marketing problem, and you need to find a way to convincingly let others know about the value you could provide for them.
The more valuable you are, the more money you makeBut there's a solution to this, and it isn't wishing and hoping. If you don't have a way to create very much value for others, you can always get more knowledge or more skills. I have people who work for me who know how to take orders over the phone and enter them into the computer, and they do it well.

However, a lot of people can do such a job, so it isn't a very lucrative job compared, for instance, to someone who knows how to manage people, or who knows how to run a computer network, or who knows how to create an advertisement that creates a lot of sales. Such people end up getting more money because they provide more value.

And, they can provide more value because they've paid the price to have those skills and that knowledge.So if you aren't making as much money as you want, you need to figure out a way to create more value, and you need to figure out a way to make sure people know you have this value. The value could be your ideas, it could be your labor, it could be a product you create or sell, or it could be a service you provide. If it has value, and if you can find a way to make sure people know about it, you'll make money equivalent to the value you provide.

And, of course, none of this will happen unless you take action, and you won't take action—or know what action to take—unless you begin by focusing your mind on what you want and asking yourself how you can get it.

But please don't think that you can just wish for something or "put it out to the universe," and then, without taking action or providing any value, expect to get it. In fact, let me clue you into another aspect of the Law of Attraction. If a random event brings you something, for which you haven't provided value—something you haven't paid the price to have—I hate to tell you this, but you still have to pay in some way.

If you win the lottery, you've received a bunch of money without having provided value in exchange. You know what happens to nearly all people who win millions in the lottery, don't you? That's right. They almost always lose all the money within a few years. Unless that person does something with the money that provides value to others, they'll find a way to lose it.
And, by the way, this is the way debt works, too. If you go into debt in order to have something before you've earned the money, you end up paying more for it.

There is a price for everything, and when you pay in advance the price is lower, and when you pay in arrears the price is higher. One of the big secrets to success is to find out what the price is for what you want and pay it, in full, as fast as possible. The price might be money, but it also could be time, experience, learning, work, or something else. Sometimes the price is a series of events that look like failures, but are really preparation for success. But whatever the price is, the faster you pay it, the better. This is what the second two principles are about.

Who wants $100,000?
Okay, let's take an example to see how you could use these three principles to get what you want. Let's say that you do want more money, and you realize right away that you don't yet have a way to provide additional value to others, which is what would qualify you to receive more money. For that reason, no one is giving you money. What do you do?

The first thing to do is to use the first principle, the principle of focusing your attention on what you want.

"I want more money," you say. You ask yourself, "How can I get more money?" Notice that I'm using that "How can I?" question again. It's always a great question to ask because it focuses you on what you want.

It would be even better, though, if you were more specific. I might say, then, "I want to make $100,000 a year. How can I do that?" Or, I might say to myself, "Okay, how can I make $100,000 a year? Many other people do it, so I know it's doable. How could I do it?" I would keep asking myself this question, and I would focus my attention on discovering a way to do it.

Knowing the other two principles, I'd know that when I get an idea, I'm going to have to take action, and the action will have to benefit someone, so I'm keeping that in the back of my mind.
So, what happens? First, you start getting ideas. Right now, off the top of my head, I'm just going to share with you the ideas that come to me, as if I was the person wanting to make $100,000 a year. The first idea that comes to me is to see if I can find out who else is making $100,000 a year. What professions make that much?

Well, certainly a lot of people who have their own business make that much. A guy who owns a McDonald's makes more than that much for each store he owns. Someone who owns a couple of dry cleaning stores probably makes that much. I could probably go online and find through Google a whole list of types of jobs that make $100,000 a year.

People who sell certain products online, or through the mail, probably make that much. Certain professional speakers, or authors, make that much. Someone who sells real estate can make that much, or more, and so can insurance agents. So one idea that came to me was to check out who's actually making this kind of money, because that might give me ideas for how I could do it.
By finding this out, I could at least save myself from doing something that I think will make me a lot of money when in actual fact few if any people actually make that kind of money doing it.

For instance, I see a lot of people in certain MLM-type businesses, but rarely do I see anyone who even makes $1000 a month, let alone significant money. I'm not trying to bash MLMs in general, because some of them are great, and I'm not saying it isn't possible to make good money in MLM, but if you're looking for a way to make a lot of money, wouldn't it make sense to find someone who does make a lot of money in MLM?

If you want to start a business, do a little checking before you act and find out what other people in that business are making.

Daydreaming, or acting?
Here's something else to keep in mind. If you sit around and focus your attention on something you want, but you're daydreaming, you aren't going to get it. Why? Because daydreaming is a kind of thinking that already has lack of action built into it. There's a huge difference between thinking about something when you're in wishing mode, and thinking about the same thing when you're in acting mode. If you want to create something, always do your thinking while in acting mode.

But let's get back to creating that $100,000 a year. I've already mentioned that focusing on how to do this gives you ideas. But it also causes you to notice resources you might use. You might, for instance, notice books about how to make more money. Or you might notice that someone has a seminar about how to make more money.

There are almost unlimited resources available about how to make money. You usually don't notice them because you haven't focused your attention on finding them. Then, of course, when you find them, you have to take action and use them. This is where most people fall down. There's a price to pay to get what you want in this world, and most people would rather not pay it.

Paying the price—and enjoying it
The people you see who are getting what they want in life are almost always those who have figured out how to enjoy paying the price, which of course makes it easy to pay. As I said earlier, this is the essence of the Law of Attraction—the price is just whatever you need to give in order to attract or create what you want.

That's why just sitting there hoping and wishing doesn't work. When you do that, the only thing you're putting out is an intention, which, while it's a good start, is of no value to anyone—unless you act on it.

The resources you begin to notice when you focus on what you want might also include people who could help you. And when you begin to spot such people, you have to keep in mind that if you want their help you have to make it worth their while to help you. This might mean paying them, but you could compensate them in many other ways. You could make them a partner. You could give them a feeling of being a good person who helps others. Or anything in between.

And, quite often, if people who have the ability to help you see that what you have has real merit, some of them will help you just to help you, because they understand the Law of Attraction and they know if they help you it will come back to them in some other way. Often the people who have really mastered the Law of Attraction have so much, and they create what they
want so effortlessly, that they just want to give back by helping others.

It never hurts to ask
It never hurts to ask for help, even if you're not sure how to compensate the other person. But always start with the willingness to compensate them in some way, even if you don't yet know how. In fact, if you aren't sure, you could begin by saying, "I'm not sure how at this point to make it worth your while, but I sure could use your help." Ask, and see what happens, and always be open to compensating the other person in some way, even if you haven't yet figured out what it might be. In fact, be eager to compensate them.

Then, after you act, notice what happened. Evaluate your action. Your action was either successful or not, or something in between. Whatever happens, you'll get feedback. If your action worked, you might want to do more of it. If it didn't work, learn whatever you can from it, and then take another action based on what you learned. Keep acting, evaluating, and then acting again, until you create or attract whatever it is you're trying to get.

Even if you have to refine your actions many times, you're still benefiting because you're gaining wisdom. This is why successful people are so successful. They've acted, and received feedback, and acted again, and received more feedback, and have done this so many times that they've become wise. They've become experts. So be willing to pay the price to become an expert. All these little so-called failures are really tuition in the school of life, and the learning they bring is very valuable.

All the while you're doing this, of course, you're remaining focused on where you want to go and what you want to create, and you've already decided, in advance, that nothing is going to keep you from getting there. If you slip up, if what you're doing isn't working, if you fall on your face, you learn everything you can from what happened, and continue to focus on how to get where you want to go.

This constant focus on the end result, along with taking action, and always trying to think of how to create value for others, always, eventually, gets you there. The only way you can fail is if you're mistaken about the value of what you provide, or you quit before you get there. You might change your approach for getting there a number of times, based on what you learn, but you otherwise just keep focusing your attention on what you want and acting to get it.

The Secret Shortcut
Now, would you like to know a huge shortcut to this process? I thought so. It's easy. Find other people who are already successfully doing what you want to do, or getting what you want to get. Then, find out what they're doing, and copy them. Also, while you're at it, find out how they're focusing their mind.

So far I've spoken about focusing your mind as if it was a pretty simple "one-size-fits-all" thing to do, but there are actually a number of important things to learn about how to focus your mind, and I'll tell you a little bit more about that in a moment.

For now, just know that it's very beneficial to find out what the person you're modeling believes about what they're doing, what they think is important about it, how they decide what to pay attention to and what to delete from their attention, and many other nuances about how they focus their attention.

And, then, of course, you want to find out what actions they've taken to create what you want to create. All of this you can copy, which gives you a huge head start. Then, as you gain wisdom through your own actions, you can add your own twist to what you learned from them.
How do you find these people?

First, just asking yourself that question—"How do I find people who are successfully doing what I want to do?" causes you to think of ways to find them. But just off the top of my head, I can think of a few ways. Again, you can use Google. You can find books they've written.

Ask other people if they know someone. You can look in the Yellow Pages. You can spot them in the newspaper. Many people are selling information on doing many of the typical things someone might want to know how to do, in the same way Harv Eker is teaching people how to make money.

How to get what you don't want
Now, let's talk about the other side of the coin. What happens when you focus on what you don't want? Actually, the process works the same way, except you end up getting what you don't want instead of what you do want. Whatever you focus on, you mind takes it as an instruction to create or attract it. And, as I said earlier, your mind is very good at creating or attracting whatever you focus on. If you focus on not being poor, for instance, your mind will get busy figuring out how you can be poor. If you focus on not being anxious, you're mind will figure out how to make you feel anxious. If you focus on not making a mistake, you'll make mistakes.

As if it wasn't bad enough that you create it, the other big penalty for focusing on what you don't want is that you get to feel bad. All bad feelings—anger, anxiety, fear, confusion, panic, depression, annoyance, shame, guilt, hopelessness, or anything else—come from focusing on what you don't want. This is the flip side of feeling good when you focus on what you want, especially if you're taking action, and that action has value.

When you focus on what you don't want, or what you're worried about, or what you're afraid of, or what you want to avoid, you put your mind to work creating it, and you feel bad. Both of these penalties obviously make focusing on what you don't want a bad idea. In fact, focusing on what you don't want is poison to your life.

But how does focusing on what you don't want affect the second principle, taking action? When you focus on what you don't want, one of two things happens. You might, as a result, not take any action, which is a kind of action, with its own results (or lack of results). If you're afraid of making a mistake, you might avoid acting, and the very failure to act is, in and of itself, a type of mistake. When you don't act, you always know what will happen. Nothing.

Or, you might, ironically, take an action, driven by your fear, that creates the very thing you don't want. Not wanting to make a mistake, you act in a way that creates mistakes. Not wanting to make a bad investment, you figure out a way to become attracted to bad or risky investments, or you fail to learn what you need to know to make an good decision.

Not wanting your business to fail, you are led to take the very actions that do make it fail.People focus on avoiding something they're afraid of or worried about, and (almost) as if by magic, they create it. The mind is ingenious in creating what you focus on, and it doesn't care whether it's what you want or what you don't want.

For this reason, it's crucial that you focus your mind consciously and intentionally. Your mind is always focusing on something. As I said earlier, it isn't that you can't manifest what you focus on, it's that you're very likely choosing what to focus on automatically, unconsciously. What you focus on is very often driven by past events, childhood decisions and traumas, that cause you to focus on what you don't want at least some of the time.

So The Secret is a wonderful thing. It works—especially if you add the second and third principles I've shared with you. But it's like electricity. You can light up a city with it, or electrocute yourself. You can only use The Secret to get what you want to the extent that you can consciously and intentionally direct your attention.

As long what you focus on is chosen without conscious intention, you're going to find yourself attracting and creating, at least some of the time, some things you don't want.

And some people are unfortunately attracting a lot of what they don't want, a lot of the time.But it doesn't have to be this way. You can develop the awareness and the ability to use it to intentionally direct your focus. You can turn off the autopilot. This is why Holosync is so powerful, because it increases your ability to be aware, to live consciously rather than automatically. As your awareness grows, you clearly see how your focus creates what happens in your life, and as you watch this happen it becomes more and more difficult to focus on what you don't want, and much easier to focus on what you do want.

It's not an accident that so few people are truly successful. Success, in whatever way you define it, flows directly from focusing on what you want, and then, as a result, taking action that is of value to the world. If you can't focus intentionally, though, this process becomes very difficult.
You can't focus on what you've deletedIt also becomes easier to implement The Secret in your life if you better understand the focusing process. In this discussion I've treated focusing as a simple process, but it's actually a complex cognitive process. There are many steps, and they whiz by very quickly, mostly outside your awareness. For instance, you have dozens of mental filters that delete much of what comes in through your senses, then distorts (sometimes in a positive way, and sometimes in a negative way) what is left.

Why does this matter? Well, you can't focus on what has been deleted from your awareness. What if, for instance, you delete some—or even all—of the possibilities? Many people do this. When they look around, there are no possibilities! I correspond with people everyday who tell me that they see no possibilities, yet the same possibilities are actually available to them, as to anyone else. But because they've filtered them out, they aren't there.And this is just one of twenty-some filters people unconsciously use before they ever get to the part of the process where they focus on something.

People filter out possibilities, solutions, ideas, resources, ideas, kindnesses, love, what they could be grateful for, and all kinds of things. Many people filter things in such a way that all they see are problems and what is wrong. They have nothing left to focus on but what they don't want! Can you see how it would be valuable if you could consciously choose how to use these filters?

We unfortunately don't have room here to go through the entire process by which you focus your mind. However, even if you know nothing about this, other than to focus as much as possible on what you want—and you're willing to take action and to do whatever you can to make sure your actions are of value to others—you'll get results that are head and shoulders above those achieved by other people.

However, I invite you to consider the possibility that you could master this internal focusing process, by taking my online course, The Internal Map of Reality Expander. Those who master this process tap into a power that allows them to do or achieve anything they put their mind to. There's no reason why you couldn't be one of them.

You can find out more, and listen to a free preview lesson, by going to www.centerpointe.com/life/preview.

I also invite you, if you aren't already doing so, to use Holosync audio technology to increase your conscious awareness (and to get all the other mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits it brings). You can get a free Holosync demo CD and a free Special Report at http://www.centerpointe.com/.The Secret isn't a secret, and the Wish Fairy is a fraud

The Secret really isn't a secret. It's been around for thousands of years, and many people have taught it in many different forms. The only reason it can be referred to as a "The Secret" is that very few people actually use it. It's been estimated that about 2% of people actually embrace the three principles I've described and commit themselves to using them consistently. Or, if they try to use the first principle, they skip the second two and insist on wishing and hoping and believing in magic, eternally waiting for the Wish Fairy to give them what they want.

I'm hoping that you'll be one of those who embrace these principles and actually use them. And I am here, along with my staff, to help you use the tools we've created to become happy, peaceful, and successful, and to create whatever you want in life.

Jun 4, 2008

"The Secret To Attracting Raging Business Builders "

Have you ever bought leads from an lead generation company and found that none of the leads you paid for were open to the idea of running a network marketing business?

I have. It's a situation which sucks big time.

Here you are spending your hard earned cash to tap into a market of interested prospects only to find out after spending hours, weeks, and months of your time that none of them are even interested in you or your business.

The first thought is "What did I do wrong?"

You try to retrace your steps. You think to yourself maybe I'm not saying the right things.

You pull out the old script and you practice it again and again until you know it in your sleep. You ask your sponsor to role play with you and get on a few more calls to make sure you're doing everything right. They give you the thumbs up!

You go off and buy another batch of leads and the same thing happens again.

You stop and say to yourself "Something ain't right here."

And you're right!

It's not your fault the leads you're presented with aren't responding to your message. The truth is it's merely a consequence of the situation.

The leads you're buying are generic. They don't care about network marketing. They just want money and if they had it there way they'd rather have you just give it to them than work for it.

The second you bring up network marketing to them they say"Is that one of them there pyramid schemes?"

You say no, but you've already lost. Most of the time they have some friend or family member who's tried networkmarketing and lost their shirt and they want nothing to do with it.

In order to get these folks on your wave length you're not dealing with just presenting your business you're dealing with changing their beliefs about the business model. And that ain't a fight you can win in a 5 minute phone conversation.

To be honest it's not even something you should spend your time doing. It's just not worth the effort.

So you say . . ."Well, if buying generic leads isn't the answer then what is?

"The truth is it could be retailing. Throughout the historyof network marketing some of the best and most successful marketers have come from converted product evangelicals.

It makes sense, they love the product anyway, so telling their friends and family about it with passion isn't hard for them.

The only problems with this is it's hard to retail your company's products on the internet as we discussed the details of earlier and the percentage of retail product users that turn into distributors really isn't all that high.

To compound the problem, the folks that do go from product user to distributor don't do it overnight. It may take months or years for them to flip into business mode.

So again we are dealing with changing people beliefs in a big way here. You have a huge hurdle to overcome in persuading a product user to become a business partner.

It does work though, it's just gonna take years to work and lots and lots of retail customers to generate any sizable residual income.

If you have the patience for it though, it is a proven plan.

Because I know these things and have experienced them I don't do either of them anymore. Changing people beliefs is not a game I like to play.

The best and quickest way to find and work with people who are excited about your company as you are is to find and work with people who already know and love network marketing.

The benefit being, as soon as they make the decision to work with you they know the game and they are ready to hit the ground running. If I hadn't leverage this principle there is no way I would have been able to attract 4703+people in less a year and a half.

I didn't do it all myself. I had several others just as motivated as me doing the same things I was doing and that's leverage.

There are several ways to attract network marketers interested in being better network marketers which are all revealed step by step in Net ML'M Profits.

Using just one of these tactics is enough to change the entire dynamic of your business, but when you put them together that's when synergy happens. That's when you have more people hunting you down calling you from all corners of the globe all day everyday than you can deal with.

And the most important part is . . .They all make YOU money no matter what happens in your business, BUT as a direct result of using the tactics taught in NetML'M Profits in your business there is no way your business can't grow.

That's stacking the deck in your favor. That creates massive leverage and a situation where failure is virtually impossible. (And it's the most fun way to grow your business there is.)

Do a few things right and there is no way to fail. Here's How . . .